If you've found your way here, you may already know that my name is Bill and I enjoy writing songs about God. If you did not know that, well now you do. I hope to be faithful with the songs I write. I'm not sure I know how to do that, but I think this website is a start. It contains the lyrics, chord charts, mp3's, even the stories behind the songs. And it is all free to you. So look around. Enjoy. And thanks for stopping by.
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You are Not Like Us

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(verse 1)
We were made (echo) In Your image (echo)

But You are not like us

You’re the End (echo) And the Beginning (echo)
First and the Last (echo) Complete and unending (echo)

And we come from the dust … You are not like us

You are beyond (echo)
You are forever (echo)
For You are God (echo)
Infinite and other
No, You are not like us

(verse 2)
No eye has seen (echo) No ear has heard (echo)
No mind conceived (echo) What You are worth (echo)

Far above (echo) Our comprehension (echo)
Far beyond (echo) Our imagination (echo)

We bow in humbleness … You are not like us

(verse 3)
Closer than (echo) My own breath (echo)
More intimate (echo) Than my own self (echo)

But You can not be touched … for You are not like us


Anthropomorphism - the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal or object.

The literary technique of anthropomorphism is so common in our songs and sermons and prayers. We so often speak of God in terms of how He is like us. We talk about His eyes, His hands, His feelings, what makes Him happy, what makes Him sad.

Now, obviously the Bible speaks of God in these terms as well. So it can't be a bad thing that we do it, too. And its not a bad thing. God designed us in His image, in part, so that we might understand, to a certain extent, what He wants to communicate of Himself to us.

So again, anthropomorphism is not a bad thing.

But our understanding of God can not begin and end with anthropomorphism. Because the Bible also speaks of the transcendence of God; the preeminence of God; the fact that God is God and He may not ever be fully comprehended because His ways are above our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts.

God is like us, yes. But on the other hand, God is very much NOT like us.

Because He is God and we are not.